Holt Renfrew Bloor Concourse Renovation

Completion Date: 2019
Toronto, Ontario
Size: 13,100 sf
Associated Designer: DesignCorp International
Awarded: 2020 Illumination Award for Interior Lighting Design

The Holt Renfrew concourse project involved the revitalization of both 50 and 60 Bloor concourse level. The scope of the project included the removal of the existing floor and ceiling finish and replaced with a new bright and refreshing ceiling and tile finish. The main project criteria was to create a bright new open area for the concourse level and revitalize this space. The project also included the raising of the existing ceiling and providing new lighting which consisted of curved recessed light fixture through out the concourse area. The mechanical system was also upgrades which included the addition of a fresh air system and continuous linear diffusers along the entire storefront.


Metro / Food Basics Program


CF Fairview Park Shopping Centre